How can I download videos on my iPhone or iPad?

Here we show you how you or your customers can download a video from a picdrop gallery if they use an iPad or an iPhone.

Although we recommend downloading via Mac/PC, this is the best way to do it on an iOS device in Safari:

  • tap on the video in the gallery.

  • tap on "Download"

  • confirm the download in the iOS prompt

  • you will find the video in your browser's downloads (the blue arrow at the bottom left)

  • If you've gotten this far, you've already saved the video on your device.

If you're wondering why it's not showing up in your "Photos" app yet, iOS saves your video in the "Files" app first.

But don't worry, you can drop it directly into your "Photos" app from Safari:

  • tap the blue arrow in the browser, then tap "Downloads"

  • go to the video in the download list

  • tap on the "Share" button at the bottom left and select "Save Video"

  • yay! The video is now in your "Photos" app

You can also find a click sequence video illustrating the steps above here: