End of support for Internet Explorer 11

Sometimes we have to say goodbye to things in order to move forward. Even though it’s a hard decision: picdrop will no longer work with the Internet Explorer 11 browser.

This means that both your clients and yourself will no longer be able to access picdrop galleries when using IE11. Instead, we will display a full screen warning.

Why do we do this?

IE11 has been around since 2013 – an eternity in internet years. Since then, there have been a tremendous amount of browser developments that allow for new features and faster development. We occasionally hear that picdrop won’t look modern enough in 2021. Unfortunately, to change just that, we now have to part with IE11 for good.

There has been a warning message in picdrop for half a year that not all functions of picdrop work with IE 11. So this step is not unexpected for your existing clients. In order to be able to implement the above mentioned enhancements of picdrop consistently, it is now time for the final farewell of an outdated technology.

By the way, even Microsoft, the maker of this browser, has already taken this step itself: IE11 can no longer be used for Mircrosoft’s own product “MS Teams” for half a year now.

Can’t you offer a version of picdrop for IE 11 only?

Unfortunately no. That would mean to maintain and develop two completely different systems simultaneously. For a browser that is no longer supported by Microsoft itself for its own products since November 2020. We would not be able to further develop picdrop for all other browsers in a meaningful way.

What can I and my clients do instead?

Well over 99% of all picdrop users are not affected by this change. If this should still be the case for you or your clients, we recommend switching to a modern and secure browser such as Microsoft EdgeFirefox or Google Chrome. We will also point out these alternatives in the above mentioned warning that will be displayed to your clients instead of a gallery in the future.

Thanks for your understanding!

(February 2021)